A.I.R. (Aging In Reverse)
Join the AIR habits Club
14-Day Increments
Group Synergy
There is power & energy that ignites when like-minded people are doing a positive action at the same time. Posting proof pics or updates in our private community adds to the synergy & accountability
Simple & Specific Challenges
I will share specific instructions in the community the day before each challenge starts. You can also turn on alerts to get challenge instructions & benefits emailed to you.
Did you freakin' know???
Most people use will-power to start on their wellness journey, which is short term & leads to failure, guilt & shame. NO MORE! Before you even attempt to start AIR habits, I want to gift you with the coupon code: AIR to apply to my 4-day self-doubt detox challenge. That's the ONLY way, I'll let you in (setting you up for success!) Once inside, you you can hop over to the community to also start the current AIR habit (which means you're getting 2 gifts in one!!!!! #Dontplaywithme The self-doubt detox helps:
Understand the root cause of your sabotage
This will help you tremendously
Walks you through my Radical forgiveness & love letter practice
Every problem you've ever encountered has a person's face attached to it
Guides you to be free to consciously create a new reality that you love waking up to
It's your time! I repeat: It's your time!
Guaranteed Security using one of the most advanced encrypted systems on the market.
The information in this page is being processed and encrypted securely using industry-leading encryption and fraud prevention tools.
What our AIR habit challengers say
I followed an AIR habit for clear skin that Joy shared on social media & my skin has been clear ever since I did tha 14-day challenge!
Nick Heigl
My husband said that my but was smooth & firm after doing a Cellulite AIR habit that Joy suggested. I can't wait for more!
Sue porter
I am new to this club & look forward to using natural methods to implement stress-relief techniques.
Maria Stobbard